Oomnitza Documentation
- What's new Learn about new features and enhancements and review the announcements, and the incident reports.
- Getting started Get connected, gain insights, and surface key business critical information about your software and technology portfo...
- Dashboards and reports Create dashboards and reports to visualize information critical to your business operations.
- Integrations In Oomnitza, you get a unified view of the diverse and multiple vendor application that your organizations uses. Inte...
- People Manage and monitor users. Review the assets, accessories, and software assigned to users.
- Hardware Gain a unified view and actionable insights into the diverse and multiple vendor applications your organization uses ...
- Software and contracts Manage SaaS and desktop software and assign contracts to capture budgeted costs.
- Accessories and kits Add the accessories that you assign to users and create kits to bundle accessories that users need when they join you...
- Stockrooms Add stockrooms to manage the accessories and devices that you assign to users. Surface key information on dashboards ...
- Locations Enrich the data collected about offices, stockrooms, and employees by adding location information.
- Configuration Configure your Oomnitza instance, update security settings, and manage global settings.
- Workflows Automate business-critical processes and tasks such as onboarding and offboarding employees.
- Custom objects Enrich the data that is collected by Oomnitza by creating custom objects. Custom objects are user-defined objects tha...
- Migrations Migrate Oomnitza from a development to a production instance.
- Request portal Request new equipment, software access, software installation, or any other resources that align with your requirements.
- Oomnitza mobile apps Download mobile and android apps to update your assets, manage stockrooms, and perform audits.