You can use the Oomnitza API block to include all the Accessory categories in the list of available categories within the request catalog.
- Create a new workflow in the Workflow > Accessories menu
- Add the Oomnitza block to the workflow and supply the following details:
- Module: Custom objects records
- URL:
- HTTP method is POST
- Path params: co_oom_request_category
- Body:
{ "custom_object_record_name": "{{category}}"}
- Response: Remove the response mapping item if not needed, otherwise it will cause a validation error.
- Edit the Begin block and change the Actions to Schedule for immediate action.
- Save, Validate, and Activate the workflow
- Click Run Scheduled workflow
The workflow should trigger for each accessory record. As soon as the workflows are complete, the new categories appear in the Request Catalog.
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