The AWS IAM User Load package includes the following component:
- Integration: This integration enables the loading of AWS IAM users into Oomnitza. When you execute the integration, the users are imported and can be found on the People page as well as in the Users page in the Software > SaaS > AWS IAM menu.
- Applying the package
- Package contents
- Migrating the package from development to production
- Configuring the package
Applying the package
To apply the package, complete the following steps:
- Click Configuration > Store.
- Locate the package and click Apply.
- Click Yes to apply the package.
The package is added to the list in Configuration > Migrations > Packages
Package contents
The following items are in the package:
- AWS IAM User Load
Data Model fields
- Alternate Username
- AWS Access Key Age
- AWS Access Key Created
- AWS Access Keys Active
- AWS Groups
- AWS Last Activity
- AWS MFA Enabled
- AWS User
- AWS User ARN
- AWS Password Created
- AWS Credentials
- AWS IAM Users Load
- User Integration User
Saved Searches
- AWS Users
- AWS Users Access Key Inactive
- AWS Users MFA Not Enabled
- AWS Users Password Not Created
- AWS IAM Users
Web Screen Design
- AWS Details
Migrating the package from development to production
If you have a development and production instance, you can migrate the package contents to your production instance by following the steps below. However, if you have a stand-alone instance or prefer to test the package in your development environment before deploying it to production, proceed to Configuring the package.
To migrate your package from development to production, complete the steps below.
- Submit a request to Oomnitza Support to enable the migration from the development instance
- Ensure that the development and the production instances are identical
- Create an API key for the migration in your production instance
- Add the production instance and the credential name as global settings in the development instance
- Ensure that the development and production instances have the same version
- Disable configuration changes in the production instance
Refer to Planning the migration for detailed steps.
Performing the migration
To perform the migration from development to production, complete the following steps:
- In the development instance, click Configuration > Migrations > Migrate.
- As migration type, select Package.
- Select the package.
- Click NEXT and then click MIGRATE.
If your migration fails due to missing package contents, such as a data model field or saved search, migrate the object as a standalone object and then attempt the migration again.
Configuring the package
Find your package in Configuration > Migrations > Packages and click View in the Migrations page to update the following details:
Update the credentials for AWS by entering your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.
For information on how to retrieve your credentials and add them to Oomnitza, refer to Adding your AWS credentials to Oomnitza
You must update the integration details sections.
In the Integration details section, you might want to change the value selected for Integration preferences. If this is the first time that you have run the integration, select Create & Update. And, don't forget that you can add rules to exclude the user records that you don't want to monitor such as system users and bots. Just click Edit Integration in the Mapping details section and add your rules.
Add fields to the People view
New fields that are ingested by Oomnitza may not be automatically listed on the People page.
Add new fields
- Click People.
- Click Add.
- Click the Actions menu
- Click Screen Builder
- Click + Add Fields.
- Select the fields that you want to add and click ADD.
- Click Save
- Click List View preferences
- Select the fields.
If you want to add multiple new fields that are related, create a group in the screen builder and add the fields to the group. For further information see Creating Field Groups.
Related articles
For information on how to add your credentials to Oomnitza, and run the integration see AWS.
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