Let Oomnitza be your single source of truth!
You'll get visibility of your ADP Workforce Now users as data from ADP Workforce Now is automatically transformed into consumable information and actionable insights.
Connect Oomnitza and ADP Workforce Now in minutes
Get the information and insights that you need to reduce costs and the time that you spend on administration tasks such as:
- Configurable dashboards and list views of key user information
- Configurable reports to share information about users with your colleagues and management
Configurable workflows that you can easily create for:
- Fetching detailed user information
- Retrieving SaaS user roles
Adding ADP Workforce Now global variables
Creating user workflows with the API block
Before you start
Best practice
For the integration with Oomnitza, create a dedicated user account.
You will need the following for the Oomnitza integration:
Client Id and Secret
ADP Workforce Now uses OAuth2.0 authentication. A client id and a secret are required to access the service. If you don't have this information, contact your ADP Workforce Now client representative.
The URL of your ADP Workforce Now server
If your Server URL was in the format https://<serverurl>.com
the value that you would enter would be serverurl.
For further information consult the ADP Workforce Now API documentation.
Adding ADP Workforce Now global variables
To save time when you create workflows, set your Server URL as a global variable:
- From the menu, go to Configuration>General.
- Click Global Settings.
- Click Add new variable (+).
- Add the ADP.ADP WorkForce Now Server Url variable and its value.
- Save your changes.
Adding the credentials
To stream ADP Workforce Now user data into Oomnitza, complete the following steps:
- In Oomnitza, click Configuration > Security > Credentials.
- Click Add new credential (+).
- Search for the integration, and then click the forward arrow > to select the integration.
- Enter your client credentials and any other additional information.
- Click Authenticate. You are prompted to log in to authorize your request.
- Click CREATE.
- Add the information details.
- Click the AUTHORIZATION tab.
- Ensure that OAuth 2.0 is selected as the Authorization type.
- Ensure that ADP WorkForce Now is selected from the SaaS list.
- Enter the URL of your ADP Workforce Now server.
- Enter your Client ID and Client Secret.
- Authenticate the connection.
- Click CREATE.
You use the credentials that you added to create and customize your ADP Workforce Now (OAuth 2.0) integrations with Oomnitza.
You use the credentials that you added to create and customize your ADP Workforce Now integrations with Oomnitza.
Creating the user integration
- In Oomnitza, click Configuration > Integrations > Overview.
- Click Block view .
- On the Integrations page, scroll down to the Extended section for user integrations.
- In the sidebar, search for the integration.
- Click ADD.
Integration details overview
More information is provided about the following fields to help you complete the integration:
- User only. Add user records.
- User plus SaaS user. Add user and SaaS user records.
The benefit of adding SaaS user records is that you can run a workflow to validate the status and activity of SaaS users and retrieve information such as the role of the SaaS user. The information that can be retrieved depends on whether SaaS user workflows are available for the integration.
Installation types
- Cloud. Store credentials in the Oomnitza cloud.
- Local. Store credentials locally. If you want to sync Oomnitza with vendor applications that require AWS or OAUTH authentication, select cloud as the type of installation. Local installations don't support AWS and OAuth authentication.
Integration preferences
- Create & Update. Add and update records.
- Create only. Add records.
- Update only. Update records.
Editing the integration details
- Click Edit .
- Make your changes.
Editing the credential details
If you selected Cloud as the installation type, choose one of the following options:
- Select the credentials that were created for the integration.
- Edit the credentials that were created for the integration.
- Create new credentials
Scheduling the integration
By default, data is synced once every day. Change the interval or the time so that the data is streamed when your system isn't busy.
- Click Edit .
- Make and save your changes.
Mapping fields to Oomnitza
To map the fields to Oomnitza, click Edit .
Selecting Edit integration to add rules for syncing data. Filtering integration results.
You can add new fields to your integration by selecting Add new field on the mapping page.
Creating custom API fields.
Creating custom mappings
Map the ADP Workforce Now fields to Oomnitza fields and create custom mappings to get the user information that you need.
Complete these actions:
- Create a custom mapping for the ADP Workforce Now Associate OID. To do this, complete the following steps:
- Select the down arrow on the Associate OID field that you want to map.
- Select Add new Oomnitza users field.
- Change the name of the field to ADP Workforce Now User Id.
- Select the Unique checkbox.
- Click CREATE.
- You have the option to create custom mappings to map any other field that you want to add to Oomnitza. To create an optional custom mapping, do the following:
- Click the down arrow on the field that you want to map.
- Select Add new Oomnitza users field.
- Change the name of the field.
- Click CREATE.
- Ensure that the Email is mapped to the
- Username field on the Oomnitza side (required for integration).
- Email field on the Oomnitza side (required for integration).
- Select the Role field on the Oomnitza mapping side.
- Choose a suitable role from the list (a defined role is necessary for the integration)
- Assign a sync key to a unique field, such as the Email.
- Click UPDATE.
Standard ADP Workforce Now to Oomnitza mappings
The following ADP Workforce Now fields can be mapped to Oomnitza:
Associate OID
Birth Date
Communication Emails Name Code
Communication Emails Name Code Short Name
Connect: ADP WorkForce Now Server Url
Connect: Credentials
Connector Sync Time
Gender Code
Gender Code Long Name
Gender Code Short Name
Is Disabled Indicator
Is Tobacco User Indicator
Legal Address City Name
Legal Address Country Code
Legal Address Country Subdivision Level1 Code
Legal Address Country Subdivision Level1 Short Name
Legal Address Country Subdivision Level1 Subdivision Type
Legal Address Country Subdivision Level2 Code
Legal Address Country Subdivision Level2 Short Name
Legal Address Country Subdivision Level2 Subdivision Type
Legal Address Line One
Legal Address Line Two
Legal Address Name Code
Legal Address Name Code Short Name
Legal Address Postal Code
Legal Name Family Name1
Legal Name Formatted Name
Legal Name Generation Affix Code
Legal Name Generation Affix Code Short Name
Legal Name Given Name
Legal Name Middle Name
Legal Name Qualification Affix Code
Legal Name Qualification Affix Code Long Name
Marital Status Code
Marital Status Code Effective Date
Marital Status Code Short Name
Military Discharge Date
Original Hire Date
Worker ID
Worker Status Code
Launching the integration
Your integration is in Draft mode until the required mandatory fields are added. When added, click Launch to activate your integration.
If you selected Cloud as the installation type when creating the integration, see Running an extended integration
If you selected Local as the installation type when creating the integration, see Running an extended integration locally.
Viewing data ingested by Oomnitza
Viewing ingested asset data
For asset integrations, click Hardware. If the asset integration also ingests software data, click Software.
Viewing ingested user data
For user integrations, click People. If you chose the option to ingest User and SaaS user data, click Software > SaaS, click the SaaS app, and then click the Users tab.
Related Links
Creating workflows
Creating user workflows with the API block
To reduce your workload and automate complex and repetitive tasks, you can create user workflows with the API block by following the steps in Using the API block. When creating the user workflows with the API block for ADP Workforce Now, the following specific configuration is required:
To locate the available presets, enter ADP Workforce Now in the Select Preset search field. Select your preset of choice and for every preset enter the following information in the Configure section:
- Your correct ADP Workforce Now Credentials that you created in Adding the credentials.
- Your ADP Workforce Now Server URL should be derived from the variable created in Adding ADP Workforce Now global variables or entered manually.
The API workflow block comes with one built-in preset, the ADP Workforce Now Get User Details preset.
Using the ADP Workforce Now Get User Details preset
The ADP Workforce Now Get User preset allows you to retrieve information about users that you have the permission to view. It retrieves unmasked data using the individual Associate Object Identifier (AOID), or Associate OID field that you mapped in Creating custom mappings.
For further information see ADP Workforce Now REST API documentation: Workers.
Reference articles for workflows
Creating Saas user workflows
You can create the SaaS User workflow by following the steps in Creating Saas user workflows. When creating the user workflows with the API block for ADP Workforce Now, the following specific configuration is required:
To locate the available presets, enter ADP Workforce Now in the Select Preset search field. Select your preset of choice and for every preset enter the following information in the Configure section:
- Your correct ADP Workforce Now Credentials that you created in Adding the credentials.
- Your ADP Workforce Now Server URL.
The SaaS User workflow block comes with one available preset, the ADP Workforce Now User Role preset.
Using the ADP Workforce Now User Role preset
The ADP Workforce Now User Role preset enables you to read a user’s job title from ADP Workforce Now.
Reference articles for creating workflows
Unleash the power of Oomnitza
To get valuable actionable insights that help you manage your users, learn how to:
- Configure dashboards for your users and software
- Configure custom reports about your users and software
- Create workflows to automate tasks
See Getting started for more information.
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